Our Residential respite care provides short-term care when you need it and if you intend to return to the community. Residential respite care may be used on a planned or emergency basis, for example if you are ill, or to help if your carer is absent for any reason such as illness or holidays. Emmerton Park can provide low level or high level respite care, depending on your requirements. A respite stay may be just the break you, your carer, your family or your friends need. You may have 63 days of respite care in a financial year, with the possibility of extensions of 21 days at a time if necessary. Respite care can be for a short period, such as half a day in our Day Care Centre, or it may be for a week or more in residential care.
You will be asked to pay a basic daily care fee, which is a flat fee. The maximum fee for all residential respite care is set at the pensioner rate of basic daily care fee. You do not have to pay an accommodation payment or an income-tested fee residential respite care.
To apply contact the regional Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre on 1800 059 059. Special arrangements exist through the Department of Veterans Affairs for war veterans and war widows and former prisoners of war. Access to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs respite care services is available through the Veterans’ Home Care Program. For information about this, telephone your regional Veterans’ Home Care Agency on 133 254.